about us

Hi, I’m
Leah Nascimento...

Natural from Brasilia, Brazil, I started my journey into the real estate world in 2007 when I bought my first home in Myrtle Beach, SC, right before the market crashed in 2008. Since then, I have been an investor and agent in several US real estate market phases.
I was an avid reader who took every opportunity to learn about real estate. As a result, I founded MGN Fine Homes in 2016 as a solopreneur working under a hefty brand brokerage.
I quickly realized that immigrants, specifically the Brazilians, were an underserved community full of myths that paralyzed it from buying and investing in real estate in America. That’s when I started my journey to educate and bring information to everyone seeking a better life and financial freedom in the USA.
Leah Nascimento

We Speak Your Language!

Buying, selling, and investing in real estate demands much specific knowledge independent of which part of the world you are in. Dealing with the intricacies of a real estate transaction in a foreign language on top of that can seem daunting. So, to ease the overwhelm, we speak to you in your language. Currently, we can serve you both in Portuguese and Spanish in addition to English.

We Understand Your Culture

As immigrants, we understand your struggles and efforts in adapting to a different way of life in a foreign country. We strive to bridge the gap between your culture and the American culture when it comes down to dealing with a real estate transaction.

We Will Listen to You

Something ubiquitous amongst all immigrants is feeling without a voice. We have been in your shoes and will listen to your wants, needs, fears, dreams, and goals. Then, we will tailor a plan to get you where you want to go respectfully and clearly.


We want you to grow with us and continue to partner with us whenever you need to buy, sell or invest in real estate. Therefore, we will invest in teaching you everything that we know so you, too, can achieve financial freedom through real estate.

Whether you have questions or you would just like to say hello, contact us.
